Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun! Fun! Screech! Halt! Resume Fun!

Today started out great! I got to school early and my greeting towards the Elementary School Principal was warmly received and returned (warmer than last week anyway). I had an easy day of self-introductions ahead of me. The first sign of trouble should have been the adjustment to my schedule. The third class was going to be cut short by 10 minutes. This really wasn’t a problem because it meant I just had a little bit shorter question and answer round.

First class went off without a hitch. The kids were excited to see me, the teacher was welcoming and participatory, a good time had by all!

Second class went equally hitchless. The kids were even happier to see me, the teacher was very welcoming and participatory, the other teacher in the room played along as well, we sang “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. We had fun. The kids didn’t want me to leave.

Third class. Oh Third class, why did you forsake me? The teacher began by explaining to me how the class would be cut short by 10 minutes. I already knew this, so the reiteration in Japanese confused me and I began to think the ten minutes was being cut from the beginning.

“I should come back in ten?”

She didn’t understand completely and said, “Yes.” Then proceeded to lead me into class.

She didn’t say anything after that. I was free to do as I pleased, and it pleased me to introduce myself and give my spiel about myself. The teacher began to grade papers. She didn’t pay any attention to the class or my presentation. When a kid asked me a question in Japanese, and I didn’t understand it, I usually would turn to the teacher and they would give me some help. She graded papers. When I interrupted her, it was like pulling teeth with a slippery banana instead of pliers. The teeth were coming from an ill-tempered shark. I managed to get through the routine without too much more trouble. During the Q&A she was a little more helpful, but generally I got the feeling that I wasn’t wanted in her classroom. What have I done to offend her so? I get the feeling she has never liked my being at the school. She is always cold towards me. I think she may be just a very serious person in general. The class was much quieter than the other two I had had prior. Maybe she rules over all her subjects with an iron chalk holder and they are wary of stepping out of line.

Oh, well!

After class, I went outside and joined the kiddos for recess. I had fun running around and learning some moves on the bars. One of the kids kept near me and told all the other kids “Keegan-sensei day yo!” “This is Keegan-sensei.” I don’t know why… I believe all the other kids know who I am. I also had a girl hang on my arm for about five minutes (seemed like an hour).

Lunch came early as well today, since class ended early. I am not sure as to the reason for the premature nature of the aforementioned events, but my flexibility is world renowned, and as such, I am not phased by the assorted simian contrivances being heaved into my day’s perceived agenda.

After lunch, a Noh performance was available to watch. I had been told by the lunch lady about the performance, while we were eating lunch, but I didn’t understand that it was today. The Vice Principal told me about it after lunch and said I shouldn’t miss it. I began to busy myself on my computer until the appropriate time to go view the show. A little while later the lunch walked by my desk and said something about the Noh presentation. I thought she told me t’was time to go, so I followed her upstairs to the room the feat was to be in. In this room there were a few girls changing into costume, as well as the lunch lady and another female teacher. She told me to come back in ten minutes, since they were in the middle of changing. Why did the lunch lady tell me follow her? How embarrassing! A short while later, I was informed that the Noh I was going to watch was a teaching session in preparation for the actually show on Friday night. I went up to the room at the appropriate time and watch a Noh-sensei instruct the pupils in the art of Noh.


Instruct, instruct, instruct, instruct...

After much instruction, he gave a sample performance.

I couldn’t understand most of it, but it definitely sparked my interest in Noh and now I want to go see a professional Noh staging. The actor was very precise in his movements and every thing he did was dramatic without being campy or hamy. He walked in a way that is similar to the Moonwalk, but forwards instead of backwards. I had to leave early in order to get to the Junior High School, so my appetite for Noh shall remain whetted.

A bunch of kids were getting reprimanded for something today in the Teacher’s room at the Junior High. I heard the Principal yelling and then speaking very quietly, the way a parent does when they want you to know that they are so mad at you, they are going to make you strain to hear their words, in order to make sure you understand your place. After the yelling and hushed tones, I heard a lot of sniffling and whenever I turned around, all the other teachers were standing around the culprits looking unhappy. At the end of the reprimand, they each got a bonk on the head and with a few more hushed and stern words, they were sent on their way. I had no classes to teach at the Junior High today because they had some other things to do besides English. I was "free" to "work" on my own. Snooze-fest!

I made 130 or so copies of a worksheet I made:

 Top down

Side view

To close this chapter, let's view some pictures of my hot mess of a computer:

There is really nothing to be said, that hasn't been expressed by those depressing photos.

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