Thursday, September 16, 2010

I don't like babies.

It's true, I don't like babies. I don't like other people's babies. I know I will love my own, when the day comes, but I just don't care for yours. I don't like how I'm supposed to act really interested in your baby when you bring it into work to show it off. If I wanted to see it, I would come to you, to your house, because we're friends. What? We're not friends? Oh, then I'm alright not seeing your offspring.

Today, an English teacher came in to show off her baby. It made me really uncomfortable because usually in that situation, I ignore the mother and baby, and just go about my business. This situation was different because I have to impress these people since they are my employers and we have somewhat of a language divide. I fought off the urge to remove myself from the room and I just sat at my desk waiting for the inevitable. Sure enough, the drooling mass was displayed for me and I turned and mustered a coo for it. The individual presenting me with my nemesis turned out to be the biggest of big-wigs my school has to offer: The Principal. I heard the ladies remark how they wish they had a camera to take a picture of Kouchou-sensei holding the booger. "I have a camera!" says I. In a flash I've got the lens fixed on my pay-check signer and a bundle of slober and hair. 2 seconds later it was all over:

Isn't he cute? Now, how about the baby?

Let's take a quick trip back in time: When I woke this morn, a mighty rain was upon us.

Hard to see the rain...

I got to walk to school in the rain. I have an umbrella but those things never cover you completely, plus the rain is so heavy, it splashes on you when it hits the ground, and the cars splash you as they drive by. I was pretty wet when I got to school. We were supposed to practice Undo kai today, but because of the rain they did a mini practice in the gym.

Building the towers and gates

Almost a straight line

Action shot!

The lunch lady is really nice at the Elementary school, so she gave me some extra food!

Four sweet breads and a mandarin pie

Anyone want to come over and eat? My fridge is full of food that will go bad unless it is consumed!

1 comment:

  1. Sure, I'll come eat some of your gifty grub! :D And babies are odd, alien-like creatures... I do like that you called it a booger though.
