Thursday, September 23, 2010

Discovery: "Deals" are not always deals!

Waking at noon has its advantages on days like today.

It was already raining when I woke up, so I didn’t have to worry about being disappointed by the rain taking ruining my day’s plans. Other people may have risen at a normal hour, 8 o’clock or so, and would have started to plan their day.

Then the rain comes and destroys their plans.

Sadness sets in.

I awoke to the pleasant sound of rain on my windows. I had yet to make plans; therefore, the as yet to be hatched plans were not affected by the precipitation.

Smiles all around the apartment!

I played some Skype games with Joanne and then showered and met up with Paul for dinner. We walked to a store to meet with Sunshine, then carried on, making our way to Den Yakiniku. We were interested in trying their All-You-Can-Eat for 1500yen deal, but this deal is only offered on the weekdays.

While you and I know Thursday is, in fact, a weekday, the good intentioned food purveyors at Den believe Thursday to be a mid-week weekend day. Don’t start with me about how this Thursday happened to be a National Holiday, so it was considered by most everyone to be a mid-week weekend day.

I’m not gonna fall for your propaganda!

It turns out the 1500yen deal actually isn’t that much of a deal. We ate enough food to satiate our beastly appetites and ended up only paying 1100yen each. I had been to Den before, with Yuki, and we had the All-You-Can-Eat deal they have on the weekends. Two hours of uninterrupted devouring bliss for the so illegally low it-flaunts-its-illicit-nature-in-the-face-of-the-magistrate-while-wearing-a-big-pink-tutu price of 2600yen. This turns out to be a slap in the face of morality when you consider you can fill yourself for less than half of that bargain-basement “steal”. I thought maybe the All-You-Can-Eat deals were special because they included access to the rice/curry/ox-tail soup bar while eating a la carte denied you the divine tastes of cumin and meat over the treasure of the fields or the liquid after-workings of the boiled remnants of a cow’s fly-swatter. This was not so! You could enjoy as much rice and curry or lightly flavored soup-water as you could muster the courage to gorge yourself on, no matter what you purchased! And so we did. Spicy Kalbi beef was the favorite that evening, sharing the table with some onions, green bell peppers, and some leaner beef cut into thin strips.

Meat with a side of meat

Veggies! One's trying to escape. In vain!

Action shot!

Paul and I walked Sunshine home, then returned to our respective apartments. I’ve spent the remainder my evening perusing the pages of and talking on skype.

Nightie nightness!

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