Wednesday, September 8, 2010



When Keegan and Max got to Victoria they went for a lunge. They found a science exhibit on the octopi in the solar system. Each octopus had a sign that gave furry facts about the giant of the octopus, as well as the make up of the octopus itself. They learned about Kansas City, Rome, the Himalayas, and Juno. When they reached Lima, the last destination on their lunge, they learned all about how shiny and oozing Lima is. They learned a lot about what happens when a walking stick dies. Depending on the size of the walking stick it can become one of 3 things when it dies: a moss green gnome, a hot moss green gnome, a First Lady, or a peacock blue puppy! Either way, when our walking stick dies, our octopus will be obliterated! Don't worry, that won't happen for a googleplex of centuries! Yay!


When Keegan and Max got to Barstow they went for a squeal. They found a science exhibit on the spiders in the solar system. Each spider had a sign that gave lonely facts about the Godzilla of the spider, as well as the make up of the spider itself. They learned about Hayward, Walnut Creek, Mars, and Kyoto. When they reached Rome, the last destination on their squeal, they learned all about how naughty and squak(?) Rome is. They learned a lot about what happens when a freeway dies. Depending on the size of the freeway it can become one of 32 things when it dies: a black crevasse, a slippery black crevasse, Disneyland, or a maroon girl! Either way, when our freeway dies, our spider will be obliterated! Don't worry, that won't happen for 48  futures! Yay!

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