Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back on track!

Today was a lot better than yesterday!

I woke up on time, I got to school on time, I taught all my lessons with vigor, I remembered to bring my camera and I remembered to bring home my other pair of shoes!

The elementary school was practicing it's Sports Day stuff and I got to help them practice. Well, sort of. I don't now enough Japanese to help direct the kids or even know what the teachers are saying, but I still give my support by standing around!

I ate lunch with the kids today (whereas yesterday, I ate with the teachers) and I took a picture of the little sprats


After lunch, I had no more classes to teach, so I rolled up my pants legs, rolled down my dress socks, put on my sneakers, and went out to practice some more! First they played "Hey you kids! Pick up rocks!"

"Get those rocks!"

"Leave no stone unturned!"

Then they lined up in a formation and made some structures that look like the ones the Junior High School kids are doing.

I found a dragonfly

Very similar to the Junior High...

At the end of the day, some of the kids had taiko drum practice. That was pretty cool to watch!

The Sports Festival for elementary school is on the Sunday after next, so we have a lot of practicing to do. As I watch the practice, an idiom keeps popping into my head but I don't know if I can explain it in my broken Japanese ( broken like camels back after that final straw!). Working with these children is akin to herding cats...

Movie time!

1 comment:

  1. I love how, in the first picture, the kid on the far right is trying really hard to be inshot, while the four kids behind him are completely uninterested entirely. Sports day looks fun but you're right about the lack of grass being weird.
