Thursday, October 28, 2010


A nice full day of work was had. Following work, I returned to my humble domicile and stumbled upon a peculiar piece of paper, delivered from the post office. It looked similar to the one I got on Saturday but still different enough that I couldn’t figure out what it was trying to convey. I return forthwith to the school to call upon my league of friendlies for assistance. Assist me they did and I was told I would have my package redelivered that very night! I went home to wait and, sure enough, the postman arrived at my door with not one but three (big) packages for me from the motherland.

Having signed for them I secreted away to the confines of my living room. These parcels would have to wait to be exhumed, for I had a Japanese lesson to attend. I met up with Paul and we rode to the lesson. At the conclusion of the evening’s session, we rode to a place to park bikes for free when taking the train, then on to a supermarket to buy some vittles, then to another to procure some “Special K” which was on sale, and then back to our respective apartments.
A quick sup of tempura goodies, soup, and nigiri

and it was finally time to feast my eyes on the tangible examples of care, packaged and sent from my family. What a bounty!

I am loved.


I had my split day and I was requested to wear a costume to the elementary school and teach a lesson on Halloween. I was awesome! The lesson went really well and the kids loved my costume.

When I mentioned having to wear the costume at the elementary school to my compatriots at the middle school, of course they requested I wear it for them as well. I only had two classes to teach in the afternoon, but one of the classes was my first solo excursion at the middle school. I already lost my solo-teaching cherry at the elementary school, so this was going to be cake. I donned my outfit and went to class. These kids loved it too! For the first half of class we did normal class stuff. The teacher had been very helpful and left me a lesson plan outlining everything to be done, and approximately how long each task should take. Finishing the required work and finding ourselves with extra time, I gave my Halloween presentation to the class. It was well received so with the extra time I showed them my Alaska trip as well.

I showed the Halloween presentation to the last class of the day and then I was able to finally get out of my costume. When I got home I found a package in my door! Another care package? Wow! What a lucky boy am I!

Inside were some gifts from Sara Shuler!


I spent all day at the elementary school. When I got to school it wasn’t raining but it soon started. This would make for a fun ride home. The first three classes were taught just like a regular day, but the fourth period teacher asked me to wear the costume again. I brought it just in case, so I was prepared! Climbing inside the skin of the robotic cat was comforting and helped repel the frigid cold that was pervading the school.

The kids employed to get me for lunch were late, but I was still able to finish my lunch on time. I then had a second lunch back in the teacher’s room since the kid’s portions are so very small.

Fifth and sixth period are a blur of kids and lesson materials. Stand-outs would be the sixth period teacher not allowing me to take a picture with the class. I think she said it wasn’t allowed, which would be believable, if not for the fact that every other teacher has thought it a great idea so far. I took a picture and a video prior to talking with her.

The kids were doing a role play game where half the class were customers and the other half were shopkeepers. I had to take a video to try and capture the wackiness:

Some of the shopkeepers were really playing the part. They were yelling through rolled up papers, saying typical street vendor things.

When I left work it was still raining. What a wonderful ride home I had to look forward too…

I walked my bike home to avoid getting too wet and it worked!

Dinner consisted of rice with hot sauce! Thanks Joanne!

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