Monday, November 1, 2010


Come close, I'll tell you a story.

That's close enough, don't you think?


After school I went home and packed up a bunch of clothes and toiletries to take to Sara’s. I met Paul at the train station and we ventured toward our destiny. We played Scrabble on his iPhone for most of the trip, and it kept us thoroughly occupied. We arrived at Sara’s and she showed us all the onigiri she had been making, 15 rice balls in all! Retiring to our slumber we quickly fell to the sandman’s axe.


Awaking the next morning at the crack, we got ready and left for Disneyland. Our train left the station at 7:30ish, so we had gotten up rather early in order to catch it. It was raining.

We made it Disneyland and met up with Yuki, then Asuka, and then Laura, having acquired Mikey en route.

No Partying!

Chocolate on top, almond on the bottom

Disneyland was a blast! Even though it rained almost the whole time we were there, we still had a great time! We went on about 15 rides, had good food, saw Captain EO, and everybody chatted it up with everybody else, despite having just met some of each other. I think it was a success all around! I barely spent more than 10000yen, including park admission.

I went back to Sara’s that night and we got some much needed sleep before our shopping excursion the next day.


We woke at noon-thirty, met C.J., and went to Ueno. I showed Sara and C.J. a giant toy store called Yamashiroya and we saw so many interesting things. Yamashiroya is a good barometer of what is “in” for the moment. They sell a lot of trendy toys and games. C.J. had to go to Shinjuku, so we parted ways and Sara and I went to Ameyoko, a little shopping district tucked under the train tracks between Ueno and Okachimachi. We saw a bunch of cool clothes, fish vendors, fruit vendors, cracker vendors, and general merchandisers. At around 5:30 we made our way to Tokyo to visit Yuki at work. We had a small dinner with her at a funny named restaurant,

then got on the subway and went to Ginza to meet up with Natsuko, one of Sara’s friends. Natsuko took us to a small-plates restaurant and we had some awesome food for a pretty good price.

Mikey showed up at the end and we made our way home shortly afterward.
That is when the night, took a turn.

I was supposed to get on a train at 8 or 8:30 in order to get to Sara’s and then back on a train to go home. I needed to get all my stuff from Sara’s apartment before I went home, but since we left the restaurant late, I was not going to be able to accomplish that. I figured I would just have to take a train home that night and get my stuff another time or way. I got a little cocky and thought I knew which train to take, so I disregarded Mikey’s suggestion to take a train in favor of a different one. Mikey and Sara disembarked and I rode on, making my way through a couple of transfers. When I got to my last transfer, I was told there were non more trains going to my station that evening. D’oh! I had to back track until I got to Sara’s and then sleep there again. This meant I had to wake up really early in the morning to catch a train early enough to get me home before school started. I didn’t get very good sleep because I was waking up to check the time, making sure I wasn’t oversleeping.


I got up on time, and rode all the correct trains to get home, arriving at my station at 7:30. I had to be at school in one hour so I took a taxi home form the station. I could have walked save for two things: The walk takes a half-hour and my big bag full of stuff had ripped completely open. I forgot to mention the rain. Three things suggested I splurge on a taxi. 8ooyen was never spent so well. I made it home with time to shower and dress, remembering to pack the omiyage I got at Disneyland for the other senseis, and arriving at school on time. I wore the Doraemon costume for the last time this year and had an all around great day. I couldn’t wait to go home and relax!

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