Saturday, November 20, 2010

I watched two flicks

I saw the "A-Team" movie. It was pretty crap. It played a lot to the lowest common denominator. Explosions for no reason, a hot girl wearing revealing clothing at inappropriate moments, stupid dialog.

Then I saw "Sorcerer's Apprentice". Didn't do much better. I didn't like the guy playing the apprentice, Jay Baruchel. He seems to play the same character over and over again, just like Michael Cera. I didn't like how quickly the love interest believed everything she was told as soon as she was told it. I also felt the film makers made a glaring omission of fact during a critical scene. Granted the movie is about magic, so I understand I should take it too seriously, but they still goofed pretty big I think. There is a scene where a sorcerer is summoning an undead army from all across the globe. Waves of grey smoke fly across the planet to graveyards and begin to raise the dead. A plume flies to a graveyard in New York and unearths some skeletons. A plume flies to Italy and animates some crypt fiends. Another plume flies to China and right over the Great Wall to a cemetery somewhere in the countryside. Wait. What? Flies over the Great Wall? Flies right past it? The Great Wall is the biggest cemetery in the entire world! The length of the wall is one big mass grave for all the people who died while it was being built over the course of about 1000 years! If you are going to raise an army of undead zombies, wouldn't the Great Wall be like the Super Walmart or graveyards? It would have everything you need. A one stop shop. But no, the plume goes right past it and heads straight to a rinky dink cemetery in the middle of nowhere that has probably 35 gravestones THAT DON'T EVEN LOOK CHINESE.

Suspension of disbelief Fail.

edit: Also the characters in the film talk about getting drunk for a birthday the main character just had, but he says he is only 20. Disney supports underage drinking? It's okay because they are college students? For shame...

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