Monday, October 25, 2010

So many goings ons


I had class at the middle school and it was pretty uneventful. We spent most of the day getting ready for the culture festival on Saturday.


Woke up nice and early and took a train to downtown. I walked to the culture festival at the community center near city hall and enjoyed a fine performance by the kids. They had there singing competition and then we all left to go to the school and watch the remaining performance art pieces.

There were some dance groups, a ballet, a violinist, and the results of the mosaic work they had been doing.

After the culture festival, there was a drinking party for the teachers at a swanky restaurant. I forgot to bring my camera, so I have no pictures, but it was really really tasty. I had a lot of fun with all my teachers, even though I don't drink. I got to know some of the people I didn't really know very well, as well as talk to some of teacher friends in the non-work atmosphere. Kyoto-sensei invited me to his house for New Year's Eve. but I had to decline since I won't be in the country. No matter, he invited me and the rest of my ALT friends over at the end of January for a BBQ! I wonder if he will remember this, considering he was 3 sheets by this point...


I got paid!

I went to Tokyo to meet up with Yuki and Mikey to go shopping! We first went to a shopping mall under the Tokyo Station.

Yuki knew of a statue she wanted to show me so went and got a picture with it.

After the mall, we walked to Akihabara to meet up with Sara and have lunch

I had yummy pasta!

Then mochi that looked like donuts!

After lunch we walked around Akihabara.

I purchased a new Oppai-purin!

Akihabara flavor:

It started raining, so we got on a train and went to Harajuku!

Balloon Clown welcomes you!

Happy to be shopping!

I got a new eco-bag

Buck-fiddy for cuteness!

I bought a sword

Just kidding! It's an umbrella that looks like a sword!
Bonus: Sharks colors!

I found some spicy chips from America. Yummers!

Finally, a spicy snack.

We finished up our shopping trip and went to Okonomiyaki! Mmmmm mmmm mmmm...

Waiting outside for our table

Okonomiyaki! Underneath: ?


Onion Okono!

Regular and Noodley Okono!


I stayed in Tokyo for the night, so when I got home I walked to the bicycle shop. Guess what I finally got!

Got to take precautions

It's a single speed "Chari" with a basket!

What color did you think I would pick?

It has a sweet bell on it that looks like a bell pepper. Get it? I do! I got it from my sister for Christmas!

Thanks Hannah!

Double locked.

Friction powered light!

I bought a Halloween costume in Shibuya to wear to school on Wednesday

It's Doraemon!
A robot cat from the future.

A big, dumb, robot cat.
From the future.

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