Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Top Three Wishes

The Best Three Wishes. Ever. Wish #2

Upon the granting of my first wish, I suspect I would be in dire need for a mode of transportation that would match my power of invisibility in sheer awesomeness.

Cars are out, walking is too pedestrian, anyone can buy a bicycle, no skate key, I could swim everywhere but I would need a large amount of water, and instant teleportation would be really cool but might overshadow the invisibility power and take away some of its perceived splendor.

I could fly anywhere in the world with my limitless funds, but most routes are preplanned and not everywhere has an airstrip. Thinking about this, I realized flight would be the best way, I would just have to do it on my terms.

Oh, to be as a bird! Living life carefree and literally light as a feather. Birds, and other animals for that matter, have lives that are not burdened by jobs and taxes, car payments and rent. Birds also possess the one ability that has eluded homo-sapiens for as long as they have been concerned with transportation: flight.

I have had numerous daydreams and fantasies about being able to take off from a stand still and fly into the air. How many times have I wanted to be able to float above my fellow students during class, swimming across the airspace, inches from the ceiling? Maybe the more interesting thing, the thing that had me more curious than anything else, was “What reaction would they have?” What reaction would people have initially and how long would it take for others to get used to my flight powers? Would I be ridiculed or arrested? Would doctors from all across the planet clamor to try and figure out how I could attain the unattainable?

I wouldn’t have wings, I don’t think, I would be able to fly more like superman. Flight would definitely make living life much, much easier and more importantly, cooler.

So now I subdued the monstrous challenge of invisibility and I have a chokehold on the beast that is the power of flight, but I have begun to rethink some of the crimes I am leaning towards. I am kind of on the fence about going down the metaphorical ‘wrong road’. Let me assure you, the crimes that make me contemplative are only the ones involving the pilfering of goods belonging to others. All other crimes that could be associated with invisibility, including breaking and entering, peeping, and trespassing, are still game on. Remember, birds can fly AND they don’t deal with currency in any paper or metal form, neither do they dabble in the electronic representation of funds. Birds don’t have to worry about money, but I do.

How will I, with my clearness and levitation, support my surely lavish lifestyle? I don’t want to work…

1 comment:

  1. You could sell your, clearly very unique, "DNA" for profit. It's work, but at least work you could enjoy the process of. And with some of the crimes you've listed as still being game, you'd have ample possibilities for inspiration.
