Monday, October 4, 2010

My Top Three Wishes

The Best Three Wishes. Ever. Wish #3

In order to finance my lifestyle I needed some income. Being so young and still in school, getting a job was not only incredibly unappealing, but illegal. I needed a way to make money that wasn’t out and out against the law but still didn’t require any manual labor on my part.

Speaking with a friend of mine about my predicament, he told me about an idea he had for a fantastic way to make as much money as one could ever want, effortlessly.

He spoke of a wonderful creation that would produce money with ease. A wallet, a coin purse, a bill fold that always and without fail contained three hundred-dollar notes. Each time the container was pilfered, a replacement three bills were indeed integrated from nothing. If one chose to, he or she could spend an entire afternoon undoing and sealing up again this mystical man-purse, and each time it would be replenished, in full, with a trio of greenbacks baring the smug mug of B. Franklin.

I knew this satchel would be the paramount article of my private stock. With unlimited funding I could buy vehicles allowing me flight, be it by air, sea, or land. I would commission a mansion the likes of which modern man has not yet conceived. The Royal Family in Saudi Arabia would call, asking about my architect, and “could (they) utilize his services?” The grounds of my manor would be immense and, from one of the numerous parapets, one could look out and survey the curvature of our great blue orb on the horizon, and still not glimpse the edge of the my elephantine estate.

My coffers bursting with coinage, I would be available to idle my days if I so desired. On the other side of the coin, I could hold any position in any company that caught my eye. My life and the lives of my progeny would be free from worry or strife, from the day I first collected from the groove of that soft leather slit until eternity and thereafter.

The wallet of inexhaustion would be my final inclination and, with that, I leave you to dream of your own Big Three, with all the infinite possibilities contained therein.


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