Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The longest day of my life and then I woke up

We played Hangman in sixth period yesterday.

The five previous periods may have well been spent in the dentist chair. They would have been less boring and painful that way. The kiddos took a test yesterday, a five class period long test. For the last period, my teacher thought it fun to play a game. On Monday she told me it shouldn’t be from the textbook because the kids would be tired of thinking and she wanted them to have some fun. I thought we could play “Heads-Up 7-Up” and “Silent Ball”, two classics from my youth, but when I got to school yesterday, she told me we should play some language games. I thought they weren’t supposed to think…

Oh well, I acquiesce and come up with “Hangman” and a “Hot Potato” type game: throw a ball around a circle, when you catch it, say a word from the predetermined category. Fail to say a word quickly or don’t catch the ball and you’re out. We played Hangman for a while and then tried the throwing game. The throwing game went over like a lead balloon. The kids didn’t really want to play and when they threw, they threw hard. The rules should have been explained a little more, I guess. Next time, I’ll know how to amend the game.

I watched "Midnight Express", "Human Centipede", and  "28 Weeks Later".

Don't see "Human Centipede".


This morning, I awoke at 8:13.


Although I wasn't late yet, it was sure getting close. I rushed out of the house and made it to school at exactly 8:30! Luckily I live so close.

Today I gave my introduction to the three classes at the elementary school and played a bingo game with pictures of fruit instead of numbers. After lunch I went to the middle school and ended up giving my introduction to the only class I had. I feel more welcome at the elementary school now. Even though I messed up a little bit by not telling the Principal I was leaving early the other day, I think I have made up for it by being my awesome self.

After work, I went home and watched a Disney cartoon about menstruation, because knowledge is power! Then "Shopgirl", and next "Technotise".

Have some photos:

Giant bee next to a 1yen coin

Converse Pencilcase

Sweet lookin' sunset on my way home

And just because I like you, I'll post my STAR WARS poetry. Don't laugh. It's not Poe or cummings, but it's what I felt like writing, and you can't fault me for that.

You have to travel far and wide, asking
Will I forever search?
Never being able to
Find a place that is able to outdo this?
A place that is even one tenth as much or even
More of a wonderful fantasyland, with nary a
Wretched scowl or frown and nary a bad word or thought. This
Hive of happy, this mire
Of mirth. Free of the destitute, the plague and the
Scum. This beauteous place, so sparkling
And fresh. Unsoiled by the masses of evil, their
Villany, deigning to drink in a place other than this, Mos Eisley.

There was once a young lady named Leia
She was falling for a dashing arms trader
The carbonite prepared,
Her love she declared
“I know” said that Nerf herding playa

In a dirty ole bar
On a dusty old planet
There sat such a horrible pair

One was green with a nose
One looked good in his clothes
They were arguing ‘bout what was fair.

With his hand on his gun
And a smirk on his face
Mr. Handsome began to opine:

“I won’t have the funds
Without running some guns
So you’ll just have to wait till next time”

Sir Green Nose didn’t like this
And reached for his laser
He pointed it, ready to burst.

Since he ended up dead
what we’re left with instead
Is “Did Greedo or Han fire first?”

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