Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Top Three Wishes

Wish #1

For as long as I can remember, I have had a Top Three Wishes or an Only Three Wishes list. I am sure everyone has made this list at some point in their lives.
Do you want to hear mine?

Okay, I'll tell you, starting with the first one on the list. The penultimate. The shining star in my pile of desire.

Probably, I started thinking about these wishes around the same time as the beginning of my journey into Puberty. Being the young scholar that I was, I was more than interested in learning all I could about girls. Being a rascally young male participant in the human race, I wanted to know everything about naked girls.

How could I perform my studies and satiate my hunger for...knowledge?

That's when I began to think about locker rooms and showers. A few attempts at disguise and infiltration provided me with enough stern warnings and sessions in numerous detention halls and juvenile facilities to convince me to come up with another means attaining the treasures in my quest for knowledge, as the pursuit of knowledge is the main impetus for all my endeavors.

Crawling inside my imagination, I began to devise other schemes and plots. I knew there had to be a way to gain more information of the female form than just what I could find in the Sears Catalog. Keep in mind, the Internet has not come to National fruition just yet.

If only there were a way to see and not be seen. Maybe I could become a Chinese concubine or one of any number of countless of female roles from the dark ages of history? No, too degrading to the very subject of my studies.

Wait! I know! What if I could become invisible at will? That would solve all my problems!

Impossible you say? Perverse? Hey, I was young and impressionable. Sadly, the realities of science bore down on me and I began to let the dream slip away. But only a little bit.

As time wore on, the desire to turn invisible at the mere thought still haunted me, but the ends of this certain mean changed a little. Don't get me wrong, I still want to learn about naked chicks, yet now the evil grip of consumerism was getting tighter.

The wish for transparency seemed again to be my salvation, my magic key to glory and unimaginable prosperity. And of course, the never ending quest for knowledge would be advanced.

Turning invisible would gain me easy access to bank vaults and the sales floors of any store I happen to find myself in after closing. The world would be my oyster and I would never have to worry again.

How do I get from locker room to bank vault? From gym shower to Tiffany's? For a guy with my kind of power, not to mention my prohibitive age, driving is not an option. Nay, driving is a chore reserved for rubes and yokels.

What to do...?

By the way, what are your three wishes?

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