Thursday, December 9, 2010

I changed my name.

My new name is the same as my old name in English, but the kanji is different.

騎  is read as "ki" and means knight
偉  is read as "i" and means excellent
願  is read as "gan" and means wish (this is the same kanji as before)

I am the knight's excellent wish.

Also my last name can be translated to be 王立-鉄山
This is read as "Ouritsu-Tetsuyama." This means Royal-IronMountain. "Tetsu" is iron, "yama" is mountain.

We played the Fruits Basket game for the first time on yesterday. I can see why the game is so dangerous. I have heard the kids get hurt when the game is played but I didn’t fully understand how or why until now. The game is similar to musical chairs. The first round, every child has a chair in the circle of chairs. There is a special word that makes all the kids stand up and switch seats. This word is said to start the game and one chair is removed from the circle. Now there are more kids than chairs, so one will be stuck without a seat. Each kid has a picture taped to the name tag they wear on their shirt. The word is a vocab word from the lesson. The lesson was “Christmas”, so they were Christmas words. The child in the middle says one of the Christmas words and the kids with that picture stand up and switch chairs. There is usually some pushing and shoving. The floors are rather slick and the kids’ shoes have no traction, so there is a lot of sliding around and falling. The child in the middle has the option of saying the special word, thus forcing all to stand and switch chairs. This gets especially dangerous. I played the game in all three classes and had no injuries!

Three classes of Christmas Basket and not one injury! I don’t see what all the fuss is about ;-)

Lunch yesterday was curry and rice! Today was almond 揚げパン!
I had my picture taken yesterday at the middle school. I was able to go home and shave before I got to the middle school, even put a little wax in me hair…

I got my hair all did and I made it to school on time to get the pictures taken. The guy taking them only had one eye. I guess one eye is all you need if you are taking pictures, since you look through the view-finder with just one. He was uber-efficient.

Here is a picture bombardment:

I went to Oyama!

New phone charm!


I went to a Samurai Festival


I saw this tree grove in the middle of a field

mini shrine tucked inside the grove

So many kanji for my name!


Gifts for the holiday season

Sembei and sweet potato cake

Takoyaki flavored corn puffs

Spicy yuzu flavored corn puffs

Tasty little cake

Hotdog bun filled with strawberry whipped cream
Strawberry frosting on top with chocolate sprinkles.

Grape flavored iron candy

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