Monday, August 30, 2010

My weekend

This weekend I went to Shibuya to meet with Yuki-chan! We agreed to meet at 11:30a.m. so I figured out what train to take to get there on time (with a little help from Yuki) and decided to wake up early in order to be at Shibuya on time (I have a history of being late when I meet her and I wanted to change that).

I woke and left the house at 8a.m.. It takes about 45 minutes to walk from my apartment to the train station and my train was leaving at 8:49. I knew that if I walked fast I would get to the station with a little time to spare and I would get to Shibuya a little early, assuring I would be punctual this time.

Yuki gave me a shirt from Canada that says "CANUCK" on it, so I wore that to help her find me on the train platform.

I got to the station and got on an even earlier train because it had arrived and was going to the same place. This would definitely make sure I was punctual!

I settled in and began the 2 hour train ride from Shimodate-eki to Shibuya-eki. I passed the time by playing my old school Gameboy, Donkey Kong Land was my game of choice that day.

Bad choice.

That game is hard! The Gameboy is old so the screen is scratched, the battery compartment is a little sensitive so if you press a little too hard the system turns off, and the games don't always load properly. When this happened you have to move the cartridge up ever-so-slightly and try again. If that doesn't work, move the cartridge ever-so-slightly down and try again. 60% of the time it works every time!

I arrived in Shibuya and waited on the platform for Yuki. She arrived and we took off on our adventure! We walked to the Bic Camera store to look at cell phones. The iPhone 4 is the least expensive phone in Japan right now. It's free when you sign up and the service is about $50 a month for unlimited data and text. If you talk on a cell phone in Japan it is very expensive so almost no body does it. The reason the phone is so cheap: In Japan the iPhone 4 is old tech! The phones here are like mini computers and they have been for years now. Besides calling people and sending texts, taking pictures and holding music, the cell phones here have been sending picture messages and videos for years! They do T.V. and Movies! The have internet and make sandwiches! Well maybe not sandwiches...

We then went to Don Quixote, which isn't a book store like I had hoped, nor is it Latin themed restaurant. Don Quixote is a store that sells crappy merchandise. If you need some trinket and it doesn't have to be something that will last until the next Emperor is crowned, Don Quixote will hook it up!

Feast your oculars:

If you light these incense, you will be almost too relaxed.Hundred hour naps in your future!

These? These are magnets for you fridge.

They have lots of other interesting things but I will keep you in suspense for now...!

After Don Quixote we went to try and find me a suit jacket since I only have one. It turns out the my body type is wrong for Japan. Suits that fit me in the shoulders don't fit in the arms. Suits that fit in the arm length don't fit around the waist. I might have to go bespoke... when I'm rich!

Finished with suit shopping (for now) we went to lunch. We went to an udon shop and I had bukakke udon.

Wait, it's not what you think. "Bukakke" is the onamonapia of drops of water. What that has to do with porn, it is easy to see. What it has to do with my udon... ? The udon tasted very nice! I got a tempuraed hard boiled egg and some tempura squid tentacles to go with it.


Udon achieved, we went to the Starbucks above the scramble intersection and sat and talked. It was nice and air conditioned so we sat for awhile to escape the heat outdoors.

At 8:45 I went to the train station to catch the train back to my home. I got on the right trainline but not the right train so in the middle of my journey I had to switch trains a few time. I made it back to Shimodate station at about 11:15 and walked home. I got home at midnight and went to bed. Tuckered out!

Sunset from Saturday:

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